
Showing posts from November, 2024

Myths about Invisalign braces

Whether it is dental implants or root canals, there are too many opinions surrounding it. The flak is generally created by people who haven't done it or are inept. Let's put a full stop to it by clearing the myths  clear aligner in Thousand Oaks . Myth 1- Invisalign braces can't move the teeth   Some people think that Invisalign braces look like retainers and are not potent enough to move the teeth; hence, they cannot treat misaligned teeth problems. However, the reverse is the reality. The aligners move your teeth effectively by gently applying the pressure at the right places.   Myth-2 It can't treat complex malocclusions.   Many people have a firm belief that Invisalign braces cannot treat complex malocclusions. However, the reality is far from it. The  Invisalign in Westkake Village  clinic can relieve you from jaw problems, missing teeth, and large gaps.    Myth 3- Invisalign braces do not require much care   Since Invisalign braces are ...