Myths about Invisalign braces
Myth 1- Invisalign braces can't move the teeth
Some people think that Invisalign braces look like retainers and are not potent enough to move the teeth; hence, they cannot treat misaligned teeth problems. However, the reverse is the reality. The aligners move your teeth effectively by gently applying the pressure at the right places.
Myth-2 It can't treat complex malocclusions.
Many people have a firm belief that Invisalign braces cannot treat complex malocclusions. However, the reality is far from it. The Invisalign in Westkake Village clinic can relieve you from jaw problems, missing teeth, and large gaps.
Myth 3- Invisalign braces do not require much care
Since Invisalign braces are removable, there are fewer chances that food particles can get stuck to the braces. But that does not mean the braces do not require maintenance. You must care for it to avoid tooth decay, stains, and plaque build-up.
Myth 4 Invisalign treatment is not for teens.
Children and teens should stick to traditional braces, which is a common misconception. In reality, Invisalign braces are suited for children and teens alike.
Myth 5 The treatment takes less time, and the results are ineffective.
The treatment time depends on the severity and complications of your teeth. If you have mild or moderate concerns, it might take less time, but the results are as effective as traditional braces.
Myth 6: It is painful.
Many people hesitate to visit Invisalign in Westlake village clinic, thinking the procedure is painful. The reality is- The Invisalign procedure is safe and less painful than traditional braces.
Myth 7- They are expensive
Invisalign in Thousand Oaks is expensive. It is a myth that many people believe in. The reality is-Typically, their price depends on the severity of the case, location, cost of the retainers, and adjustments you need.
Invisalign in Thousand Oaks is an investment that will repay you in terms of good oral health and confidence. It is worth the expense.
Myth 8- You can't eat delightful foods if you are wearing Invisalign braces
Invisalign braces in Thousand Oaks let you dig into your favorite food but remember to remove it before you eat sticky and chewy food.
Myth 9- Any doctor can install Invisalign braces
Any doctor is not eligible to install braces. They need an extensive experience under their belt to treat the cases.
Don't let the myths and misconceptions stop you from getting the desired treatment. Invisalign braces in Thousand Oaks are dedicated to providing you with personalized and quality care.
Dr. Alina is the author of this article. To know more about Thousand Oaks CA Orthodontic services, please visit our website:
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